Getting Started


Please install Protocol Master using the latest installer or build directly from source code:

Installer Source

Software Setup

  1. Launch the application

  2. Using the configuration menu (ellipsis in the bottom right):

    1. Select your camera and microphone

    2. Select the McIntyre AFC interpreter extension *

    3. Select the Schedulino driver extension **

  3. Load a protocol sheet, ex: Example Protocol

    1. Click the selection icon in the bottom left

    2. Either sign-in to drive, use a published link, or a local .xlsx file

  4. Click preview or run!

Hardware Setup

Currently, hardware integrations are lab specific. You may need to develop your own from scratch. If your lab uses Arduinos to drive signals, you can probably utilize the Schedulino driver extension (included) to avoid writing any code.

Please contact for more information.


* McIntyre AFC converts google sheets into schedules

** Schedulino converts schedules into physical Arduino events